French Teaching Workshops

French Teaching workshops is the best education in Canada. How do you create a truly transdisciplinary program? What strategies can be used to inspire your students to create projects that are engaging? Matt Maxwell, PhD, is a teacher, musician and author who has presented his holistic approach to language-teaching at conferences and school boards across Canada.

If you’re interested in a virtual workshop with Matt, don’t hesitate to contact us!

French Teaching workshops is the best education in Canada. How do you create a truly transdisciplinary program? What strategies can be used to inspire your students to create projects that are engaging? Matt Maxwell, PhD, is a teacher, musician and author who has presented his holistic approach to language-teaching at conferences and school boards across Canada.

If you’re interested in a virtual French Teaching Workshops with Matt, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Comment créer un programme vraiment transdisciplinaire ? Quelles sont les stratégies dont on pourrait se servir pour inspirer vos élèves à créer des projets qui sont engageants ? Matt Maxwell, PhD, enseignant, musicien, auteur et animateur, a présenté son approche holistique à des conférences et aux conseils scolaires à travers le Canada.

Si un atelier virtuel avec Matt vous intéresse, n’hésitez pas de nous contacter !

How do you create a truly transdisciplinary program? What strategies can be used to inspire your students to create projects that are engaging? Matt Maxwell, PhD, is a teacher, musician and author who has presented his holistic approach to language-teaching at conferences and school boards across Canada.

If you’re interested in a virtual workshop with Matt, don’t hesitate to contact us!

French Education


Please use the form below to find out more about booking an online workshop.